I appreciate the way you point to the significance of outside agents, the uselessness of insiders, and the way the existing structures are structurally invested in maintaining their own roles in sustaining the process of destruction (what Daniel Schmactenberger points to with the metaphor of the "paperclip maximizer"). I am reminded of Fuller's approach of changing things by building a new model that renders the existing model obsolete.
I also find myself thinking of the way Richard Tarnas describes the long process of the Copernican revolution, essentially as an example parallel in dynamic to what NWA had to do to breakthrough in modern culture.
And I find myself thinking of the importance of anomalies in Kuhn's description of paradigm shift.
I appreciate the way several of these films arise from real world events, i.e., that these sorts of breakthroughs are not only possible, they do indeed occur.
As someone who has more or less always been outside of the circle of epistemological perception referred to by Charles Tart as a sort of "consensus trance" (sometimes I feel like I've never seen a clothed emperor), and having been learning my most important lessons from nature from childhood on (patterns, dynamics, the way things change in the world), I find great encouragement in your perspective and what you are pointing to.
Specifically I am encouraged to continue the work I am doing in relationship, creating culture individually and collectively, outside of the system, in community, with art, challenging perspective through ambiguity (in resonance with Dave Snowden's "linguistic aporia"), and ultimately intending to privilege bottom up decision making over top down governance, vis-à-vis learning from fungi.
So grateful for the work you do!